How to fix windows\system32\config\system error on XP using ultimate boot cd 4 windows [SOLVED]

First of all, this really works. And it works really well.

But I have to say t has been two months without my laptop or the data. The data was safe (I pulled the HD and checked that) but I couldn’t get the laptop to boot past the infamous “windows\system32\config\system” error.

It would not boot into safe mode. As usual, “last known configuration that worked” did nothing.

Worst of all, the XP install disk would go to Blue Screen before I could run either “r” repair or install to use the repair function there: After f8 it would Blue Screen.

So I was stymied. No, I was frustrated!

But one night after a particularly trying week where nothing seemed to work on anything, I said to myself before getting home, “I’m going to fix that windows\system32\config\system error on my laptop”. And I set my mind to doing it.

My plan was to build and use a BartPE (pre-install) disk. But for for some reason I always have a challenge making that happen. I remember the first (and last) time I successfully built a BartPE disk or USB thumb drive. It took hours and hours. When it worked I felt as if I had actually accomplished something. Like a boss.

It was a good feeling. Then I lost that disk or thumbdrive. So back to square one.

Anyhow, once again I kept on having impossible difficulties creating a BartPE disk.

Thankfully, I googled replace windows system32 config system usb and I landed on this page. It’s a list of fixes. Option 5 being “Using BartPE” but it led me here.

Using the instructions on that page I created an…

Ultimate Boot CD for Windows!!!

…and how appropriately named. Yes, there’s a PayPal donate button. Yes, I got a chance to use it. But not before a couple of other steps.

The first thing I did was load the disk on my laptop. It takes a few minutes but it works like a charm. Then I googled windows system32 config system “ultimate boot cd 4”

I got this.

After scrolling down, I got to the part about Registry Restore Wizard (aka RegResWiz).

RegResWiz allows you to load older saved copies of the registry. Which I did. I went back about five days. Then I finished, restarted (“restart w/eject”) and watched and prayed.

And voila! It came right up! I was blown away. Beautiful. (At this point I went to the PayPal link at the ubcd4win site—heck yeah I’m supporting that cause!)

So there you have it. How to repair windows\system32\config\system error on XP using ultimate boot cd 4 windows. As promised. It really works!

About Mike Mongo

"My name is Mike Mongo and I am an astronaut teacher. Also: author of the Astronaut Instruction Manual. Los Angeles-based, my primary occupation has me working with students and encouraging students to pursue careers in space and astronautics. Much of my time is spent writing, teaching and learning about space and space travel. Of all the things I love doing being an astronaut teacher is certainly my favorite and most fulfilling."
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5 Responses to How to fix windows\system32\config\system error on XP using ultimate boot cd 4 windows [SOLVED]

  1. Guido Deboeck says:

    I followed all your instructions all the way to getting an .iso file on my laptop but then could not burn it to a disk because it is 699 MB and CD’s only take 500+ MB.What would you recommend?

  2. Guido Deboeck says:

    Thanks Mike. You were very kind and great help today when I called you to solve the problem of burning an Ultimate Boot CD. I hope your product will work and fix the problem better than the LiveBoot CD I bought from Wondershare Inc off the web, which did not solve the problem of how to fix a corrupt systems file on XP.

  3. Juan says:

    F’N SUPA. Worked for me, but instead used HBCD Hirens Boot Disc…

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